The many ways to deal with overflowing text

For a visual reference, this is usually what happens if you don't handle long words.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

We certainly did not intend for that to happen, so here are 7 different strategies to wrap your text.

Break only if text overflows

Most of the time, you just want your long words to wrap, the css declaration overflow-wrap: break-word will do the job.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

Break only if text overflows, and minimize width

Compared to the previous declaration, overflow-wrap: anywhere will wrap at word boundaries when possible to reduce the min-content width.

To better illustrate the differences, here are two static boxes with their width set to width: min-content. The first box is overflow-wrap: anywhere, and the second overflow-wrap: break-word.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"
The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

As such, overflow-wrap: anywhere is usually only applied individually on long words, and not on a paragraph.

Break anywhere

If you don't care about preserving word boundaries, and you just want your text to wrap, then look no further than using the css declaration word-break: break-all. This trades off readability for more compact text.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

Force break at certain places with hyphens

Using ‐, the hard hyphen character entity, we can manually break up long words with hyphens (-) and use the default breaking algorithm without any css.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumono‐ultra‐microscopic‐silico‐volcano‐coniosis"

This is what the html looks like:

The longest word in the english dictionary is

Break at certain places with hyphens

Alternatively, using ­, also known as the soft hyphen character entity, hyphens will only appear when a word break occurs.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumono­ultra­microscopic­silico­volcano­coniosis"

This is what the html looks like:

The longest word in the english dictionary is

Break at certain places without hyphens

If you want to break up long words without hyphens, then the <wbr> html element is what you're looking for.

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

This is what the html looks like:

The longest word in the english dictionary is "Pneumono<wbr />ultra<wbr />microscopic<wbr />silico<wbr />volcano<wbr />coniosis"

Automatically break with hyphens

By using the css declaration hyphens: auto and an html lang attribute, we can let the browser decide when to insert a hyphen.

The browser will also prioritize &hyphen; and &shy; if they are present.

The longest word in the english dict­ionary is "Pneumonoultramicroscopic­silicovolcanoconiosis"

This is what the html looks like:

<p lang="en">
  The longest word in the english dict&shy;ionary is

As we can see, this method is limited by the browser's hyphenation rules. Its support also varies depending on the language and browser. Please use this method with care.